Monday, April 29, 2013

Final Summary/Reaction

Over the weekend, I handed out my survey to the rest of the adults I planned on. I am still waiting for a few of them to get back to me. The results I have received are pretty much what I expected. My cousin who works in a bank knows more of the statements about finance, as does his wife. Whereas, my cousin who is a teacher knows the finance questions, but not as many. My predictions, for the most part have been true. One thing that surprised me was that my one cousin, who is unemployed checked off the statement that he knows about personal security systems. The family has never been very wealthy so I asked him why he said that. It turns out that he works for his step father's catering company part-time. Doing this, he interacts with a lot of people who are considered upper class and has had to deal with things like personal security systems on a regular business. There were a few more unexpected answers, but for the most part most of my predictions were correct. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Revised Plan/Summary/Update

I have given my survey to three adults as of now. I have given it to my mom, dad, and aunt. I haven't seen the other people I want to survey yet, but I will be seeing them and giving them the survey this weekend. So far I've seen pretty consistent results. My aunt and my parents are pretty close in terms of class, but my dad is a salesman, my mom is a teacher, and my aunt is a nurse, so they know different things about different topics in the survey. This weekend, I will give the survey to my cousins and neighbors and see how they answer the survey. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Strategy Plan for Research

I have decided to definitely use the survey we did in class a couple of weeks ago. I have also decided on the adults in my life I will give this survey to. I realized that I don't know too many adults that are on very extreme sides of the spectrum. I don't anybody who is considered to be very low class, and I don't know very many people who are considered upper class. However I know that many of the adults in my life may answer the questions differently. I will give the survey to my parents, my neighbors, my aunt and uncle, and some of my cousins. My one cousin is a manager at a bank and another is a teacher in a public school. Though they are very close in terms of class, obviously, the bank manager may know more of the financial related questions. After I give this survey to adults in my life, I will ask them the same questions we were asked. Which section do you have the most check marks in? What do you think this survey was about? Which statements did you check and why/didn't you check and why? Which statements stood out to you? Do you agree with this assessment? It was interesting to see how a bunch of 17 year olds responded to this survey, so I think it will be good to see how adults respond.