Friday, March 1, 2013

For this post, I decided to take a look at social class in the "olden days", instead of today. This picture shows the level of classes in, what looks to be the Industrial Age. 

The top level of the picture says "We rule you" and has a picture of someone who looks like a king, and other important looking people wearing suits. The next level is priests and other religious leaders and it says "We fool you". The middle layer is soldiers saying "We shoot you".  the next layer has a bunch of fancy looking people who look like they're at a dinner party. It says, "We eat for you." The bottom layer is of the working/bottom class and says "We work for all" and "We feed all". 

Obviously, the classes showed in this are different today. We do have monarchs and presidents who are on top, but today, beneath them isn't the priests and religious leaders. Also, soldiers aren't in the same spot in today's society. If I were to rearrange this picture to show social classes today I would make it: president/monarch, upper class, soldiers, priests, lower class. I also think that the soldiers and priests would be combined into a group showing the middle class. 

One thing in this picture that's interesting to me is that the lower class says, "We feed all" and "We work for all". I think this can still be considered true. One way I see this is that we usually see people, like fast food workers, cashiers, and other "lower" jobs as being less important and for lower level people. However, people in today's world would hardly be able to function if they didn't have someone cooking their french fries or bagging their purchases. Yet, these people are looked down upon. As a cashier, I can say that there a lot of the people who insult me for being a cashier and accuse me of being stupid and making mistake, but a lot of them probably couldn't even work the cash register if their life depended on it. 

To be honest, I could probably look at, analyze, and talk about this picture all day. But,  I found it really interesting to see how people viewed social classes back then. I think it's also very interesting to see how much their ideas of social class relate to ours. 

1 comment:

  1. I found this post to be very interesting. I think that it was very interesting how the picture said "we feed all" and "we work for all" I think that sometimes everyone forgets about those people working in lower class do for us. They all do the things that we would never want to do and i think that people need to start appreciating what everyone does for each other. We need to take time to consider the saying "One hand washes the other." I found this topic very interesting and i will do my best to appreciate what other people do for me even when i dont notice it.
